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CAD/CAE/CFD/CAO/HPC новости 21 Марта 2007 года
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SINDA/G - анализ теплопроводности в MSC.Patran

Новыймодуль SINDA/G for Patran v.2.5 теперьполностью встраиваетсяв MSC.Patran ипозволяет объединить возможности SINDA/G от Network Analysis, Inc с возможностями пре/пост-процессора MSC.Patran от MSC.Software (Santa Ana, CA).

Модуль SINDA/GforPatran позволяет объединить две программные системы (SINDA/Gи MSC.Patran), сохраняя функции обеих систем. Таким образом, пользователь может решать задачи теплопроводности с учетом конвекции, излучения непосредственно в пре/пост-процессоре MSC.Patran без изучения интерфейса и особенностей SINDA/G или других специализированных программных систем.

The SINDA/G for Patran v.2.5 plug-in fully integrates the thermal analysis features of SINDA/G by Network Analysis, Inc. (NAI; Chandler, AZ) with the FEA (finite element analysis) pre- and post-processing capabilities of MSC.Patran from MSC.Software (Santa Ana, CA).

 The SINDA/G for Patran plug-in allows for the seamless integration of the two programs with all major functions of both software programs supported, according to NAI. Further, the transparent integration lets you operate such thermal features as convection, surface-to-surface radiation, and heating, without having to know the format of SINDA/G or thermal radiation codes.

SINDA/G thermal analysis linked with MSC.Patran FEA

NAI describes SINDA/G for Patran as fully compatible with MSC.Patran and MSC.Nastran.  It supports thermal radiation and orbital heating industry standard programs, including Thermica, Nevada, and TRASYS. This is said to include a radiation super-element concept and true geometric primitives that are passed to thermal radiation codes. The thermal result generated by SINDA/G for Patran can be used by MSC.Nastran to calculate thermal stresses and distortions.

SINDA/G for Patran allows the thermal features of SINDA/G — convection equations, programming logic or entire subroutines — to be incorporated in Patran-generated models. The SINDA/G for Patran plug-in includes a Patran-style graphical user interface.

SINDA/G for Patran runs on Windows-compatible PCs and UNIX workstations. The plug-in alone costs 00. SINDA/G itself is also ,000. 


Теги новости:
MSC.Software MSC.Patran MSC.Nastran