Список 500 самых мощных компьютеров мира. 27-я редакция (июнь 2006 года)
Некоторая статистика 27-й редакции списка мощнейших компьютеров мира (www.parallel.ru)
28 июня 2006 года была опубликована 27-я редакция списка 500 наиболее мощных компьютеров мира Top500.
На первом месте в 27-й редакции списка остался прототип будущего суперкомпьютера IBM BlueGene/L с производительностью на Linpack 280.6 Tflop/s.
С ноября 2005 года в первой десятке списка сменилось 3 системы. 158 систем из предыдущей редакции списка были вытеснены новыми.
На 5 месте в списке новый самый мощный суперкомпьютер Европы NovaScale 5160, установленный в Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (Франция), с производительностью на Linpack 42.9 Tflop/s.
Новый самый мощный суперкомпьютер Японии производства NEC и Sun, установленный в Tokyo Institute of Technology, с производительностью на Linpack 38.18 Tflop/s, находится на 7-м месте списка.
Также в первую десятку на 8 место попал суперкомпьютер IBM Blue Gene, установленный в Forschungszentrum Juelich (Германия), с производительностью на Linpack 37.33 Tflop/s.
Суперкомпьютер Earth Simulator, долгое время возглавлявший список, в новой редакции списка замыкает первую десятку.
Последняя, 500-ая система в новой редакции списка была бы год назад на 183-ем месте, а для того чтобы попасть в текущий список, потребовалась производительность на Linpack 2.03 Tflop/s против 1.64 Tflop/s в ноябре. Суммарная производительность систем в списке выросла за полгода с 2.30 Pflop/s до 2.79 Pflop/s.
Общее число кластеров в списке еще немного увеличилось и составляет уже 365 систем (по сравнению с 360 в ноябре), таким образом, кластерная архитектура остается наиболее популярной при проектировании мощнейших суперкомпьютеров. В качестве коммуникационной технологии 255 кластеров используется Gigabit Ethernet, в 87 случаях - Myrinet.
Количество систем в списке, построенных на процессорах Intel, уменьшилось с 333 до 301, из них в 118 случаях используются процессоры EM64T. Процессоры AMD Opteron становятся все более популярны, на них построена уже 81 система (в ноябре - 55). Процессоры IBM Power используются в 84 системах.
По количеству установленных систем, вошедших в список, IBM (243) продолжает доминировать, на втором месте по-прежнему Hewlett-Packard (154). Cистемы IBM обеспечивают 54.3% производительности списка Top500, системы Hewlett-Packard - 17.5%.
По географической принадлежности продолжает доминировать США - 298 систем, Европа несколько сдаёт свои позиции - 83 системы против 100 полгода назад, а Азия заметно наращивает своё присутствие в списке - с 66 до 93 систем.
С 69-го на 70-ое место в новой редакции списка опустился российский суперкомпьютер MVS-15000BM производства IBM, установленный в Межведомственном суперкомпьютерном центре РАН, даже несмотря на увеличение количества процессоров с 924 до 1148 и производительности на тесте Linpack с 5.355 Tflop/s до 6.646 Tflop/s.
С 330-го на 490-ое место в новой редакции списка опустился белорусский суперкомпьютер SKIF K-1000, построенный на основе 576 процессоров AMD Opteron 2.2 ГГц и коммуникационной технологии Infiniband, с производительностью на Linpack 2.032 Tflop/s.
Список 500 самых мощных компьютеров мира. 27-я редакцияСписок Top500 составлен по состоянию на июнь 2006 года.
Официальная страница Top500 находится по адресу www.top500.org.
Колонки таблицы
В списке представлены следующие данные по каждому компьютеру:
- Rank - порядковый номер в списке Top500
- Site - организация, в которой установлен компьютер
- System/Vendor - название (тип) компьютера, указанное поставщиком/производитель
- Processors - количество процессоров
- Rmax - максимальная полученная производительность по LINPACK
- Rpeak - теоретическая пиковая производительность
Официальная страница Top500 находится по адресу www.top500.org.
Rank | Site | System/Vendor | Processors | Rmax | Rpeak |
1 | DOE/NNSA/LLNL United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
131072 | 280600 | 367000 |
2 | IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
40960 | 91290 | 114688 |
3 | DOE/NNSA/LLNL United States |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
12208 | 75760 | 92781 |
4 | NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS United States |
SGI Altix 1.5 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband SGI |
10160 | 51870 | 60960 |
5 | Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA) France |
NovaScale 5160, Itanium2 1.6 GHz, Quadrics Bull SA |
8704 | 42900 | 55705.6 |
6 | Sandia National Laboratories United States |
PowerEdge 1850, 3.6 GHz, Infiniband Dell |
9024 | 38270 | 64972.8 |
7 | GSIC Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan |
Sun Fire X64 Cluster, Opteron 2.4/2.6 GHz, Infiniband NEC/Sun |
10368 | 38180 | 49868.8 |
8 | Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) Germany |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
16384 | 37330 | 45875 |
9 | Sandia National Laboratories United States |
Red Storm Cray XT3, 2.0 GHz Cray Inc. |
10880 | 36190 | 43520 |
10 | The Earth Simulator Center Japan |
Earth-Simulator NEC |
5120 | 35860 | 40960 |
11 | Barcelona Supercomputer Center Spain |
JS20 Cluster, PPC 970, 2.2 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
4800 | 27910 | 42144 |
12 | ASTRON/University Groningen Netherlands |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
12288 | 27450 | 34406.4 |
13 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory United States |
Cray XT3, 2.4 GHz Cray Inc. |
5200 | 20527 | 24960 |
14 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
Intel Itanium2 Tiger4 1.4GHz - Quadrics California Digital Corporation |
4096 | 19940 | 22938 |
15 | Computational Biology Research Center, AIST Japan |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
8192 | 18200 | 22937.6 |
16 | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Switzerland |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
8192 | 18200 | 22937.6 |
17 | High Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEK Japan |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
8192 | 18200 | 22937.6 |
18 | High Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEK Japan |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
8192 | 18200 | 22937.6 |
19 | IBM Rochester, On Demand Deep Computing Center United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
8192 | 18200 | 22937.6 |
20 | ERDC MSRC United States |
Cray XT3, 2.6 GHz Cray Inc. |
4096 | 16975 | 21299 |
21 | COLSA United States |
Apple XServe, 2.0 GHz, Myrinet Self-made |
3072 | 16180 | 24576 |
22 | Korea Meteorological Administration Korea, South |
Cray X1E (4GB) Cray Inc. |
1020 | 15706 | 18442 |
23 | Indiana University United States |
BladeCenter JS21 Cluster, PPC 970, 2.5 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
2048 | 15040 | 20480 |
24 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory United States |
Cray X1E (2GB) Cray Inc. |
1014 | 14955 | 18333 |
25 | Los Alamos National Laboratory United States |
ASCI Q - AlphaServer SC45, 1.25 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
8192 | 13880 | 20480 |
26 | University of Southern California United States |
Pentium4 Xeon, EM64T, Opteron, Opteron dual core, Cluster, Myrinet IBM |
5328 | 13810 | 21312 |
27 | Geoscience (E) United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
5000 | 12312 | 22000 |
28 | Virginia Tech United States |
1100 Dual 2.3 GHz Apple XServe/Mellanox Infiniband 4X/Cisco GigE Self-made |
2200 | 12250 | 20240 |
29 | Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Japan |
SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 1.6 GHz, NUMALink SGI |
2048 | 11814 | 13107 |
30 | Atomic Weapons Establishment United Kingdom |
Cray XT3, 2.6 GHz Cray Inc. |
2652 | 11810 | 13790.4 |
31 | IBM - Rochester United States |
BlueGene/L DD1 Prototype (0.5GHz PowerPC 440 w/Custom) IBM |
8192 | 11680 | 16384 |
32 | Wright-Patterson Air Force Base/DoD ASC United States |
SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 1.6 GHz, NUMALink SGI |
2048 | 11652 | 13107 |
33 | US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) United States |
LNX Cluster, Xeon 3.6 GHz, Myrinet Linux Networx |
2048 | 10650 | 14745.6 |
34 | Center for Computational Science, University of Tsukuba Japan |
PACS-CS, low voltage Xeon 2.8 GHz, 3D Hyper-Crossbar Hitachi/Fujitsu |
2560 | 10350 | 14336 |
35 | China Meteorological Administration China |
eServer pSeries 655 (1.7 GHz Power4+) IBM |
3200 | 10310 | 21760 |
36 | Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) United States |
eServer pSeries 655 (1.7 GHz Power4+) IBM |
2944 | 10310 | 20019.2 |
37 | NCSA United States |
PowerEdge 1750, P4 Xeon 3.06 GHz, Myrinet Dell |
2500 | 9819 | 15300 |
38 | High Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEK Japan |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
4096 | 9360 | 11468.8 |
39 | IBM - Almaden Research Center United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
4096 | 9360 | 11468.8 |
40 | IBM Research Switzerland |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
4096 | 9360 | 11468.8 |
41 | IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
4096 | 9360 | 11468.8 |
42 | ECMWF United Kingdom |
eServer pSeries 690 (1.9 GHz Power4+) IBM |
2176 | 9241 | 16538 |
43 | ECMWF United Kingdom |
eServer pSeries 690 (1.9 GHz Power4+) IBM |
2176 | 9241 | 16538 |
44 | UCSD/San Diego Supercomputer Center United States |
eServer pSeries 655/690 (1.5/1.7 GHz Power4+) IBM |
2464 | 9121 | 15628 |
45 | Japan Meteorological Agency Japan |
SR11000-K1/80 Hitachi |
80 | 9036 | 10752 |
46 | Japan Meteorological Agency Japan |
SR11000-K1/80 Hitachi |
80 | 9036 | 10752 |
47 | Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC) Australia |
SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 1.6 GHz, NUMALink SGI |
1536 | 8974 | 9830 |
48 | HWW/Universitaet Stuttgart Germany |
SX8/576M72 NEC |
576 | 8923 | 9216 |
49 | Institute of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN) Japan |
RIKEN Super Combined Cluster Fujitsu |
2048 | 8728 | 12534 |
50 | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory United States |
Cluster Platform 6000 rx2600 Itanium2 1.5 GHz, Quadrics Hewlett-Packard |
1936 | 8633 | 11616 |
51 | Georgia Institute of Technology United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.0 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
3920 | 8509 | 15680 |
52 | Caltech United States |
PowerEdge 1850, 3.2 GHz, Myrinet Dell |
2048 | 8408 | 13107.2 |
53 | Shanghai Supercomputer Center China |
Dawning 4000A, Opteron 2.2 GHz, Myrinet Dawning |
2560 | 8061 | 11264 |
54 | Los Alamos National Laboratory United States |
Opteron 2 GHz, Myrinet Linux Networx |
2816 | 8051 | 11264 |
55 | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center United States |
Cray XT3, 2.4 GHz Cray Inc. |
2060 | 7935.82 | 9888 |
56 | Wright-Patterson Air Force Base/DoD ASC United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.8 GHz Infiniband Hewlett-Packard |
2048 | 7925 | 11469 |
57 | University at Buffalo, SUNY, Center for Computational Res. United States |
PowerEdge SC1425 3.2 GHz, Myrinet Dell |
1536 | 7737 | 9830.4 |
58 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
MCR Linux Cluster Xeon 2.4 GHz - Quadrics Linux Networx |
2304 | 7634 | 11060 |
59 | HPCx United Kingdom |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.5 GHz IBM |
1536 | 7395 | 9216 |
60 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
ASCI White, SP Power3 375 MHz IBM |
8192 | 7304 | 12288 |
61 | NERSC/LBNL United States |
SP Power3 375 MHz 16 way IBM |
6656 | 7304 | 9984 |
62 | NCSA United States |
TeraGrid, Itanium2 1.3/1.5 GHZ, Myrinet IBM |
1776 | 7215 | 10259 |
63 | US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) United States |
eServer Opteron 2.2 GHz. Myrinet IBM |
2320 | 7185 | 10208 |
64 | Swiss Scientific Computing Center (CSCS) Switzerland |
Cray XT3, 2.6 GHz Cray Inc. |
1664 | 7050 | 8652.8 |
65 | Texas Advanced Computing Center/Univ. of Texas United States |
PowerEdge 1855, 3.2 GHz, Infiniband Dell |
1300 | 6989 | 8320 |
66 | University of Sherbrooke Canada |
PowerEdge SC1425 3.6 GHz- Infiniband Dell |
1152 | 6888 | 8294.4 |
67 | Nagoya University Japan |
PRIMEPOWER HPC2500 (2.08 GHz) Fujitsu |
1664 | 6860 | 13844 |
68 | Intel United States |
Intel Cluster, Xeon 3.0 GHz dual core, Infiniband Intel |
928 | 6855 | 11136 |
69 | Los Alamos National Laboratory United States |
Opteron 2.6 GHz, Infiniband Linux Networx |
1620 | 6677 | 8424 |
70 | Joint Supercomputer Center Russia |
MVS-15000BM, eServer BladeCenter JS20 (PowerPC970 2.2 GHz), Myrinet IBM |
1148 | 6645.53 | 10102.4 |
71 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
xSeries Cluster Xeon 2.4 GHz - Quadrics IBM |
1920 | 6586 | 9216 |
72 | NERSC/LBNL United States |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
976 | 6415.13 | 7417.6 |
73 | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center United States |
SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 1.5 GHz, NUMAlink, Infiniband SGI |
1152 | 6309.1 | 6912 |
74 | University of North Carolina United States |
PowerEdge 1855, 3.6 GHz, Infiniband Dell |
1040 | 6252 | 7488 |
75 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
xSeries x335 Cluster, Xeon 3.06 GHz, Quadrics IBM |
1540 | 6232 | 9425 |
76 | HPCx United Kingdom |
eServer pSeries 690 (1.7 GHz Power4+) IBM |
1600 | 6188 | 10880 |
77 | Grid Technology Research Center, AIST Japan |
AIST Super Cluster P-32, Opteron 2.0 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
2200 | 6155 | 8800 |
78 | NCSA United States |
PowerEdge 1850, 3.6 GHz, Infiniband Dell |
1024 | 6118 | 7373 |
79 | NCSA United States |
SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 1.6 GHz, NUMALink SGI |
1024 | 6117.27 | 6553 |
80 | SharcNet Canada |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual Core GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
3072 | 6015 | 13516.8 |
81 | Tohoku University, Institute of Fluid Science Japan |
SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 1.6 GHz, NUMALink, 10GigEthernet SGI |
1024 | 6007.05 | 6553 |
82 | Telecommunication Company United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1728 | 5972 | 11059.2 |
83 | SharcNet Canada |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145, Opteron 2,6 GHz, Quadrics Hewlett-Packard |
1536 | 5746 | 7987.2 |
84 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
864 | 5735 | 6566.4 |
85 | Seoul National University Korea, South |
eServer BladeCenter JS20 (PowerPC970 2.2 GHz), Myrinet IBM |
968 | 5618.3 | 8518.4 |
86 | Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) Germany |
eServer pSeries 690 (1.7 GHz Power4+) IBM |
1312 | 5568 | 8921 |
87 | Brigham Young University United States |
PowerEdge 1855, 3.6 GHz, GigEthernet Dell |
1260 | 5439 | 9072 |
88 | University of Oklahoma United States |
PowerEdge 1850, 3.2 GHz, Infiniband Dell |
1024 | 5438 | 6553.6 |
89 | National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan Japan |
PRIMEPOWER HPC2500 (1.3 GHz) Fujitsu |
2304 | 5406 | 11980 |
90 | Sun United States |
Fire V40x/X4100 Cluster Opteron 2.4GHz dual core, Infiniband Sun Microsystems |
1536 | 5404 | 7372.8 |
91 | KTH - Royal Institute of Technology Sweden |
PowerEdge 1850, 3.4 GHz, Infiniband Dell |
886 | 4999 | 6025 |
92 | Japan Meteorological Agency Japan |
SR11000-J1/50 Hitachi |
50 | 4993 | 6080 |
93 | Financial Services (M) United Kingdom |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
2000 | 4924.8 | 8800 |
94 | Financial Services (M) United Kingdom |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
2000 | 4924.8 | 8800 |
95 | Adam Opel AG Germany |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
720 | 4776.5 | 5472 |
96 | Los Alamos National Laboratory United States |
Opteron 2.6 GHz, Infiniband Linux Networx |
1080 | 4720.65 | 5616 |
97 | Argonne National Laboratory United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
98 | Boston University United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
99 | Iowa State University United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
100 | MIT United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
101 | NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
102 | NIWS Co, Ltd Japan |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
103 | Princeton University United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
104 | Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
105 | UCSD/San Diego Supercomputer Center United States |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
106 | University of Edinburgh United Kingdom |
eServer Blue Gene Solution IBM |
2048 | 4713 | 5734 |
107 | Sun Trust Florida United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1344 | 4644.9 | 8601.6 |
108 | Government Classified United States |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL360G4 Xeon 3.4 GHz, Myrinet Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 4624 | 6800 |
109 | Government Classified United States |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL360G4 Xeon 3.4 GHz, Myrinet Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 4624 | 6800 |
110 | Hokkaido University Japan |
SR11000-K1/80 Hitachi |
40 | 4596 | 5376 |
111 | Wells Fargo United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1280 | 4579.3 | 8192 |
112 | Wells Fargo United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1280 | 4579.3 | 8192 |
113 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft MPI/IPP Germany |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
688 | 4563.5 | 5228.8 |
114 | University of Illinois United States |
XServe G5 2GHz, Myrinet Self-made |
1024 | 4559 | 8192 |
115 | Kyoto University Japan |
PRIMEPOWER HPC2500 (1.56 GHz) Fujitsu |
1472 | 4552 | 9185 |
116 | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center United States |
AlphaServer SC45, 1 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
3016 | 4463 | 6032 |
117 | US Army HPC Research Center at NCS United States |
Cray XT3, 2.4 GHz Cray Inc. |
1152 | 4444.34 | 5529.6 |
118 | National Centers for Environmental Prediction United States |
eServer pSeries 655 (1.7 GHz Power4+) IBM |
1152 | 4379 | 7833.6 |
119 | National Centers for Environmental Prediction United States |
eServer pSeries 655 (1.7 GHz Power4+) IBM |
1152 | 4379 | 7833.6 |
120 | Research USA United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.0 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
2016 | 4376 | 8064 |
121 | UT SimCenter at Chattanooga United States |
PowerEdge 1850/1855 3.2 GHz GigEthernet Dell |
1010 | 4335 | 6464 |
122 | Total SA France |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.5 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
1024 | 4307 | 6144 |
123 | Caltech/JPL United States |
PowerEdge 1750, P4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, Myrinet Dell |
1024 | 4298 | 6553.6 |
124 | Chinese Academy of Science China |
DeepComp 6800, Itanium2 1.3 GHz, QsNet lenovo |
1024 | 4193 | 5324.8 |
125 | NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) United States |
pSeries 690 Turbo 1.3 GHz IBM |
1600 | 4184 | 8320 |
126 | Texas Advanced Computing Center/Univ. of Texas United States |
PowerEdge 1750, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2/3.06 GHz, Myrinet Dell |
1024 | 4152 | 6338 |
127 | University of Reading United Kingdom |
JS20 Cluster, PPC 970, 2.2 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
736 | 4149.62 | 6476.8 |
128 | Walt Disney Feature Animation United States |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL360G3 Xeon 3.06 GHz, Verari BladeRack 3.4 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1110 | 4131 | 6936 |
129 | Retailer (C) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.6 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1024 | 4121.4 | 7372.8 |
130 | NCSA United States |
PowerEdge 1855, 3.2 GHz, Infiniband, Windows Dell |
900 | 4106 | 5760 |
131 | DOE/Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory United States |
Atipa Cluster, Opteron, Myrinet Atipa Technology |
1090 | 4035 | 5232 |
132 | DOE/Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory United States |
Atipa Cluster, Opteron, Myrinet Atipa Technology |
1090 | 4035 | 5232 |
133 | NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) United States |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
608 | 4031 | 4620.8 |
134 | Kaiser United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1125 | 4024.8 | 7200 |
135 | Kaiser United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1125 | 4024.8 | 7200 |
136 | Telecommunication Company United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1152 | 3981 | 7372 |
137 | Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA) France |
AlphaServer SC45, 1 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
2560 | 3980 | 5120 |
138 | Classified China |
HP Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Cluster Hewlett-Packard |
1044 | 3958.8 | 5011.2 |
139 | Hewlett-Packard United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.6 GHz Infiniband Hewlett-Packard |
1024 | 3947 | 5324.8 |
140 | Vanderbilt University United States |
JS20 Cluster, PPC 970, 2.2 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
660 | 3842.03 | 5808 |
141 | Semiconductor Company (L) India |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.4 GHz GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1400 | 3830.4 | 6720 |
142 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
eServer pSeries 655 (1.5 GHz Power4+) IBM |
1024 | 3812 | 6144 |
143 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory United States |
eServer pSeries 655 (1.5 GHz Power4+) IBM |
1024 | 3812 | 6144 |
144 | US Army HPC Research Center at NCS United States |
Cray X1E Cray Inc. |
252 | 3783.1 | 4556.16 |
145 | Bank United Kingdom |
BladeCenter HS20 Xeon 3.06 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
3200 | 3755 | 19584 |
146 | Westgrid Canada |
BladeCenter Xeon 3.06 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1680 | 3755 | 10281.6 |
147 | Petroleum Company (G) Saudia Arabia |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
1536 | 3755 | 9830.4 |
148 | Semiconductor Company (D) Israel |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
1464 | 3755 | 9369.6 |
149 | Financial Services (N) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1300 | 3755 | 9360 |
150 | Credit Suisse/First Boston United Kingdom |
BladeCenter HS20 Xeon 3.06 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1500 | 3755 | 9180 |
151 | Geoscience (G) India |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1024 | 3755 | 7372.8 |
152 | Geoscience H China |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.4 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1064 | 3755 | 7235.2 |
153 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1004 | 3755 | 7228.8 |
154 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1004 | 3755 | 7228.8 |
155 | Financial Services (N) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1000 | 3755 | 7200 |
156 | Financial Services (N) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1000 | 3755 | 7200 |
157 | WETA Digital New Zealand |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1000 | 3755 | 7200 |
158 | Animal Logic Australia |
BladeCenter HS20 Xeon 3.06 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1148 | 3755 | 7025.76 |
159 | Geoscience (B) India |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.4 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1024 | 3755 | 6963.2 |
160 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1088 | 3755 | 6963.2 |
161 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1088 | 3755 | 6963.2 |
162 | Geoscience (C) United Kingdom |
xSeries Xeon 3.06 GHz - Gig-E IBM |
1128 | 3755 | 6903.36 |
163 | Geoscience (C) United Kingdom |
xSeries Xeon 3.06 GHz - Gig-E IBM |
1128 | 3755 | 6903.36 |
164 | Semiconductor Company (D) Israel |
xSeries Xeon 3.06 GHz - Gig-E IBM |
1120 | 3755 | 6854.4 |
165 | Telco Canada |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
1036 | 3755 | 6630.4 |
166 | Financial Services (H) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
1024 | 3755 | 6553.6 |
167 | Petroleum Company (H) China |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
1024 | 3755 | 6553.6 |
168 | Bank (H) Germany |
BladeCenter Xeon 3.06 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1064 | 3755 | 6511.68 |
169 | ConocoPhillips United States |
BladeCenter Xeon 3.06 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1056 | 3755 | 6462.72 |
170 | PGS United States |
xSeries Cluster Xeon 3.06 GHz - Gig-E IBM |
1024 | 3755 | 6266.88 |
171 | Petroleum Company (C) Brazil |
xSeries Cluster Xeon 3.06 GHz - Gig-E IBM |
1024 | 3755 | 6266.88 |
172 | IBM - Deep Computing Capacity on Demand Center United States |
xSeries Xeon 3.06 GHz - Gig-E IBM |
1000 | 3755 | 6120 |
173 | PETROBRAS Brazil |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL140G3 Xeon 3.06 GHz GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1300 | 3739 | 7956 |
174 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
1288 | 3720.34 | 9273.6 |
175 | Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) United States |
pSeries 690 Turbo 1.3 GHz IBM |
1408 | 3717.2 | 7321.6 |
176 | Louisiana State University United States |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
560 | 3711.5 | 4256 |
177 | Classified Netherlands |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1024 | 3663.5 | 6553.6 |
178 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
970 | 3654.91 | 6984 |
179 | Calyon France |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1056 | 3649 | 6758 |
180 | Calyon France |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1056 | 3649 | 6758 |
181 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
966 | 3641.57 | 6955.2 |
182 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
966 | 3641.57 | 6955.2 |
183 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
966 | 3641.57 | 6955.2 |
184 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
966 | 3641.57 | 6955.2 |
185 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
966 | 3641.57 | 6955.2 |
186 | IBM Poughkeepsie Benchmarking Center United States |
BladeCenter JS21 Cluster, PPC 970, 2.5 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
512 | 3637 | 5120 |
187 | Financial Services (O) United Kingdom |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
952 | 3594.87 | 6854.4 |
188 | Geoscience (J) China |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.4 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
980 | 3593.65 | 6664 |
189 | Bank (H) Germany |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon 3.06 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
1448 | 3590 | 8861.8 |
190 | On Demand Center United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.4 GHz Dual core, Infiniband IBM |
1456 | 3585.4 | 6988.8 |
191 | On Demand Center United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.4 GHz Dual core, Infiniband IBM |
1456 | 3585.4 | 6988.8 |
192 | On Demand Center United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.4 GHz Dual core, Infiniband IBM |
1456 | 3585.4 | 6988.8 |
193 | Banque National Paris France |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
992 | 3549 | 6348.8 |
194 | ConocoPhillips United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1024 | 3538.9 | 6553.6 |
195 | Financial Institution (K) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1024 | 3538.9 | 6553.6 |
196 | Digital Media Company (B) United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.4 GHz Myrinet Hewlett-Packard |
944 | 3534.3 | 4531.2 |
197 | Fujitsu Services United Kingdom |
SuperDome 1 GHz/HyperPlex Hewlett-Packard |
1664 | 3527.7 | 6656 |
198 | Semiconductor Company (F) India |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
930 | 3521.48 | 6696 |
199 | Semiconductor Company (F) India |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
930 | 3521.48 | 6696 |
200 | Semiconductor Company (K) Malaysia |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
930 | 3521.48 | 6696 |
201 | Geoscience (I) China |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.4 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
960 | 3520.31 | 6528 |
202 | Sandia National Laboratories United States |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL360G4 Xeon 3.4 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1028 | 3510.6 | 6990 |
203 | Sandia National Laboratories United States |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL360G4 Xeon 3.4 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1028 | 3510.6 | 6990 |
204 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
924 | 3501.46 | 6652.8 |
205 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
924 | 3501.46 | 6652.8 |
206 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
924 | 3501.46 | 6652.8 |
207 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
922 | 3494.79 | 6638.4 |
208 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EMT64T 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
922 | 3494.78 | 5900.8 |
209 | SharcNet Canada |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.2 GHz dual core, Myrinet Hewlett-Packard |
1068 | 3491 | 4699.2 |
210 | Hewlett-Packard United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.2 GHz, Infiniband Hewlett-Packard |
1024 | 3469 | 4505 |
211 | Digital Media Company (B) United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.4 GHz Myrinet Hewlett-Packard |
924 | 3459.5 | 4435.2 |
212 | Geoscience (H) India |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1400 | 3447.5 | 6160 |
213 | Geoscience (H) India |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1400 | 3447.5 | 6160 |
214 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1400 | 3447.5 | 6160 |
215 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1400 | 3447.5 | 6160 |
216 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1400 | 3447.5 | 6160 |
217 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1400 | 3447.5 | 6160 |
218 | NEC Computer Techno (KK) Japan |
Integrity Superdome, Itanium2 1.5 GHz, HyperPlex Hewlett-Packard |
768 | 3433 | 4608 |
219 | NEC Computer Techno (KK) Japan |
Integrity Superdome, Itanium2 1.5 GHz, HyperPlex Hewlett-Packard |
768 | 3433 | 4608 |
220 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
900 | 3421.39 | 6480 |
221 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
900 | 3421.39 | 6480 |
222 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
900 | 3421.39 | 6480 |
223 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
900 | 3421.39 | 6480 |
224 | Galactic Computing (Shenzhen) Ltd. China |
Supercomputing Blade System GT4000 Galactic Computing |
562 | 3413 | 4046 |
225 | CINECA Italy |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
512 | 3392 | 3891.2 |
226 | Energy Company (D) United States |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
512 | 3392 | 3891.2 |
227 | IBM Poughkeepsie Benchmarking Center United States |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
512 | 3392 | 3891.2 |
228 | Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) Singapore |
eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz IBM |
512 | 3392 | 3891.2 |
229 | IBM Semantic Computing Services at Almaden Research United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
900 | 3379.5 | 5760 |
230 | Los Alamos National Laboratory United States |
Appro HyperBlade Appro International |
1028 | 3357 | 4112 |
231 | Forecast Systems Laboratory - NOAA United States |
Aspen Systems, Dual Xeon 2.2 GHz - Myrinet2000 HPTi |
1536 | 3337 | 6758 |
232 | CINECA Italy |
xSeries, Xeon 3.06 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
1024 | 3328 | 6266.88 |
233 | Institute of Scientific Computing/Nankai University China |
xSeries Xeon 3.06 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
768 | 3328 | 4700 |
234 | University of Tsukuba Japan |
HP DL380 Cluster Hewlett-Packard |
480 | 3327.8 | 6525 |
235 | National Institute for Materials Science Japan |
SR11000-H1/56 Hitachi |
56 | 3319 | 6093 |
236 | Energy Company (F) United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron 2.6 GHz GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1120 | 3319 | 5824 |
237 | Institute for Molecular Science Japan |
SR11000-H1/50 Hitachi |
50 | 3296 | 5440 |
238 | Government United States |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL360G4 Xeon 3.4 GHz, Myrinet Hewlett-Packard |
640 | 3173.5 | 4352 |
239 | Energy Company (D) United States |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL360G4 Xeon 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet Hewlett-Packard |
800 | 3168 | 5760 |
240 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
820 | 3154.5 | 5248 |
241 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
820 | 3154.5 | 5248 |
242 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
820 | 3154.5 | 5248 |
243 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
820 | 3154.5 | 5248 |
244 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
820 | 3154.5 | 5248 |
245 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz - Gig-Ethernet IBM |
820 | 3154.5 | 5248 |
246 | UCSD/San Diego Supercomputer Center United States |
TeraGrid Cluster, Itanium 2 1.3 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
768 | 3152 | 3993 |
247 | Semiconductor Company (C) United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
818 | 3147.83 | 5235.2 |
248 | Paramount Pictures United States |
Fire V20z Cluster, Opteron 2.6 GHz dual core, GigEthernet, Solaris Sun Microsystems |
1192 | 3146 | 6198.4 |
249 | The University of Nottingham United Kingdom |
Fire V20z Cluster, Opteron 2.2 GHz, Gig Ethernet Sun Microsystems |
1024 | 3146 | 4394 |
250 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
816 | 3141.16 | 5875.2 |
251 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
816 | 3141.16 | 5875.2 |
252 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
816 | 3141.16 | 5875.2 |
253 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
816 | 3141.16 | 5875.2 |
254 | Geoscience P United States |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.6 GHz, Gig-Ethernet IBM |
816 | 3141.16 | 5875.2 |
255 | Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology India |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL140G2 Xeon 3.6 GHz Infiniband Hewlett-Packard |
576 | 3138 | 4147.2 |
256 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
257 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
258 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
259 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
260 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
261 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
262 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
263 | Digital Media Company (D) United States |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.06 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
1000 | 3120 | 6120 |
264 | Government United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron Dual Core 2.4 GHz GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1108 | 3084.7 | 5318.4 |
265 | Government United States |
Cluster Platform 4000 DL145 Opteron Dual Core 2.4 GHz GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1108 | 3084.7 | 5318.4 |
266 | Gaming Company (B) China |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
860 | 3076.7 | 5504 |
267 | Gaming Company (B) China |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
860 | 3076.7 | 5504 |
268 | Gaming Company (B) China |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
860 | 3076.7 | 5504 |
269 | Gaming Company (B) China |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
860 | 3076.7 | 5504 |
270 | Gaming Company (B) China |
Blade Cluster BL-20P, Pentium4 Xeon 3.2 GHz Hewlett-Packard |
860 | 3076.7 | 5504 |
271 | Manufacturer (G) United States |
eServer p5 570 POWER5 1.9 GHz, GigEth IBM |
720 | 3068 | 5472 |
272 | Korea Institute of Science and Technology Korea, South |
xSeries Xeon 2.4 GHz, Myrinet IBM |
1024 | 3067 | 4915.2 |
273 | University of Sherbrooke Canada |
PowerEdge 750, P4 3.2 GHz, GigE Dell |
872 | 3064 | 5580.8 |
274 | Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) United States |
Cray XD1, 2.2 GHz Cray Inc. |
864 | 3041 | 3801.6 |
275 | Animal Logic Australia |
BladeCenter HS20 Cluster, Xeon EM64T 3.2 GHz, GigEthernet IBM |
784 | 3034.4 | 5017.6 |
276 | Semiconductor Company (E) United States |
xSeries Cluster Xeon 3.06 GHz - Gig-E IBM |
800 | 3004 | 4896 |
277 | Sony. Information Technologies Laboratories. Japan |
Cray XD1, 2.2 GHz Cray Inc. |
825 | 2996 | 3633 |
278 | New York University United States |
eServer BladeCenter JS20 (PowerPC970 2.2 GHz), Myrinet IBM |
512 | 2994.04 | 4505.6 |
279 | PETROBRAS Brazil |
Cluster Platform 3000 DL140G3 Xeon 3.06 GHz GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1008 | 2992 | 6169 |
280 | The University of Florida High-Performance Computing Center United States |
Rackable Foundation C1001, Opteron Dual-Core 2.2GHz, InfiniBand Rackable Systems |
832 | 2974 | 3660 |
281 | Amdocs United States |
Integrity Superdome, Itanium2 1.5 GHz, HyperPlex Hewlett-Packard |
662 | 2959.1 | 3972 |
282 | Classified United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1200 | 2955 | 5280 |
283 | Classified United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1200 | 2955 | 5280 |
284 | Classified United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1200 | 2955 | 5280 |
285 | Classified United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1200 | 2955 | 5280 |
286 | Classified United States |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1200 | 2955 | 5280 |
287 | Geoscience (H) India |
BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2.2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernet IBM |
1200 | 2955 | 5280 |
288 | HSBC (Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation) France |
Blade Cluster BL-25P, Opteron 2.4 GHz, GigEthernet Hewlett-Packard |
1100 | 2951.5 | 5280 |
289 | Government United States |
Cray X1 Cray Inc. |
252 | 2932.9 | 3225.6 |
290 | Techmex Far East Pte. Ltd. Singapore |
Integrity Superdome, Itanium2 1.5 GHz, HyperPlex Hewlett-Packard |
656 | 2932.3 | 3936 |