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Уникальный онлайн-курс «Цифровые двойники изделий»
CAD/CAE/CFD/CAO/HPC новости 13 Декабря 2006 года
Данная новость была прочитана 21467 раз

Производственный процесс Boeing 787 Dreamliner моделируют в DELMIA, CATIA и ENOVIA VPLM

Boeing and Dassault Systèmes (DS) (Nasdaq: DASTY; Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA), a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, today announced the beginning of a new era in aerospace engineering, production planning and assembly simulation with Boeing’s virtual rollout of the 787 Dreamliner. This first-ever virtual rollout, and the PLM technology underlying it, is not simply an animation of the completed airplane, but a virtual simulation and validation of the entire manufacturing process.

Today’s virtual rollout illustrates the future of manufacturing, showing how accurate, intuitive 3D models can be the primary means for communicating design and production planning information throughout a program. Such 3D-based simulations of production processes enabled Boeing and its partners to optimize the Dreamliner production system and avoid the costly late-stage errors that can occur with untested designs and production planning.

“A breakthrough program like the 787 Dreamliner needed to lead the way in performance, quality, cost and schedule supported by efficient and flexible production planning. 3D PLM has the right capabilities to support these requirements,” says Kevin Fowler, Boeing’s 787 vice president of Process Integration. “In collaboration with its partners around the world the 787 program uses new materials and technology in the production process. These new requirements for the production process required a new type of process and computing design technology backbone that didn’t exist before we started working with Dassault Systèmes three years ago.“

The 787 Dreamliner program is the first to use 3D models and simulation on a project of such large size and complexity, from the product’s inception through to production and product support. Building upon Boeing’s use of Dassault Systèmes’ virtual design (CATIA) and collaboration technologies (ENOVIA), Dassault Systèmes’ DELMIA software suite provided Boeing and its partners with an environment for simulating and perfecting 787 manufacturing processes before actually building tools and production facilities.

Boeing’s planning and layout of production lines using exact 3D models of parts and assembly tooling dramatically reduces rework on the 787. Such a digital manufacturing environment creates a communication “loop back” between 787 design and manufacturing engineers, no matter where they are, eliminating the risk of committing to a design change only to discover it cannot be manufactured, or that it requires costly changes to other components.

“Collaborative PLM, shown so eloquently here by Boeing in its virtual roll-out, is the next step for all industries,” says Dassault Systèmes president and chief executive officer, Bernard Charlиs. “Boeing pioneered the use of digital mockup with the 777, and it is only fitting that today Boeing shows other industries the way forward with digital manufacturing. PLM and its final component, digital manufacturing, have never been so fully, so completely implemented as with the 787 Dreamliner program. Dassault Systèmes is proud to be Boeing’s partner in this visionary step forward.”

Boeing Unveils 787 Dreamliner Interior

Dassault Systèmes’ PLM solutions used by Boeing on the 787 Dreamliner include DELMIA for virtual planning and production, CATIA for virtual product design, and ENOVIA VPLM for enterprise-wide collaboration, giving every stakeholder in the process access to 3D data models of parts, assemblies and systems. The digital assets developed by Boeing using these PLM solutions will be used across the 787’s entire lifecycle, including sales, marketing and future derivative aircraft.

About Dassault Systèmes

As a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, the Dassault Systèmes group brings value to more than 90,000 customers in 80 countries. A pioneer in the 3D software market since 1981, Dassault Systèmes develops and markets PLM application software and services that support industrial processes and provide a 3D vision of the entire lifecycle of products from conception to maintenance. The Dassault Systèmes portfolio consists of CATIA for designing the virtual product - SolidWorks for 3D mechanical design - DELMIA for virtual production - SIMULIA for virtual testing and ENOVIA for global collaborative lifecycle management, including ENOVIA VPLM, ENOVIA MatrixOne and ENOVIA SmarTeam. Dassault Systèmes is listed on the Nasdaq (DASTY) and Euronext Paris (#13065, DSY.PA) stock exchanges. For more information, visit : http://www.3ds.com.


В июле 2005 года по приглашению Президента Боинг-Россия/СНГ С.В. Кравченко руководитель CompMechLab проф. А.И. Боровков участвовал во встрече с топ-менеджерами The Boeing Company - Членом Исполнительного Совета, Старшим вице-президентом и Генеральным директором по технологическим программам компании Боинг господином J. Jamieson, Вице-президентом по информационным технологиям S.Griffin и Президентом Phantom Works господином R. Krieger.

Совместно с Президентом Боинг-Россия/СНГ С.В. Кравченко проф. А.И. Боровков сделал доклад о работах и достижениях CompMechLab перед Президентом R&D отделения Phantom Works господином R. Krieger'ом.




Выступает президент R&D отделения The Boeing Company - Phantom Works - господин R. Krieger, который в руках держит буклет CompMechLab, справа - Вице-президент по информационным технологиям S.Griffin

Источники: http://www.tenlinks.com, http://www.boeing.com