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Анонсы 24 Сентября 2005 года
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Выход книги Анатолия Исаковича Лурье “Теория упругости” в издательстве Springer

Перевод книги, вышедшей в издательстве Springer,  сделан профессором кафедры “Механика и процессы управления” А.К. Беляевым, предисловие к книге – краткий очерк о жизни и творчестве А.И. Лурье – написал заведующий  кафедрой “Механика и процессы управления” профессор В.А. Пальмов.

Theory of Elasticity Lurie, A.I.

Theory of Elasticity
Series: Foundations of Engineering Mechanics
Lurie, A.I.
2005, IV, 1050 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 3-540-24556-1

About this book

This invaluable treatise belongs to the cultural heritage of mechanics. It is an encyclopedia of the classic and analytic approaches of continuum mechanics and of many domains of natural science. The book is unique also because an impressive number of methods and approaches it displays have been worked out by the author himself. In particular, this implies a full consistency of notation, ideas and mathematical apparatus which results in a unified approach to a broad class of problems. The book is of great interest for engineers who will find a lot of analytical formulae for very different problems covering nearly all aspects of the elastic behavior of materials. In particular, it fills the gap between the well-developed numerical methods and sophisticated methods of elasticity theory. It is also intended for researchers and students taking their first steps in continuum mechanics as it offers a carefully written and logically substantiated basis of both linear and nonlinear continuum mechanics.

Table of contents

Stress Tensor. Deformation of a Continuum. The Constitutive Laws of the Linear Theory of Elasticity. Governing Relationships in the Linear Theory of Elasticity. Three-dimensional Problems in the Theory of Elasticity. Saint-Venant's Problem. The Plane Problem of the Theory of Elasticity. Constitutive Laws for Nonlinear Elastic Bodies. Problems and Methods of the Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity.


Напомним, что три года назад, в 2002 году, в той же серии Foundations of Engineering Mechanics издательство Springer выпустило в свет другой капитальный труд Анатолия Исаковича Лурье – книгу “Аналитическая механика”.

Analytical Mechanics Lurie, A.I.

Analytical Mechanics
Series: Foundations of Engineering Mechanics
Lurie, A.I.
2002, XXII, 864 p. 92 illus., Hardcover
ISBN: 3-540-42982-4

About this textbook

This is a translation of A.I. Lurie’s classical Russian textbook on analytical mechanics. It offers a consummate exposition of the subject of analytical mechanics through a deep analysis of its most fundamental concepts. The book has served as a desk text for at least two generations of researchers working in those fields where the Soviet Union accomplished the greatest technological breakthrough of the 20th century – a race into space. Those and other related fields continue to be intensively explored since then, and the book clearly demonstrates how the fundamental concepts of mechanics work in the context of up-to-date engineering problems.


Table of contents
Basic definitions. Rigid body kinematics - basic knowledge. Theory of finite rotations of rigid bodies. Basic dynamic quantities. Work and potential energy. The fundamental equation of dynamics. Analytical statics. Lagrange's differential equations. Other forms of differential equations of motion. Dynamics of relative motion. Canonical equations and Jacobi's theorem. Perturbation theory. Variational principles in mechanics. Elements of the theory of matrices. Basics of tensor calculus.