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Уникальный онлайн-курс «Цифровые двойники изделий»
CAD/CAE/CFD/CAO/HPC новости 22 Сентября 2004 года
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Популярный сайт Pro/E Central расширяет свою деятельность

In a email issued yesterday, Jason Turk, owner of the Pro/E Central website (www.proecentral.com) announced that he is branching out beyond Pro/ENGINEER to cover the major MCAD programs.

The email is reproduced below:

MCAD Central to debut this week!

Pro/E Central has been the leading website for users of Pro/ENGINEER for the past 4 years. It is fast approaching 25,000 members and is well known throughout the Pro/E community. After nearly 7 months of work, we are taking the successes of Pro/E Central and implementing them into a new website called MCAD Central for all major MCAD systems, including Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, Catia, Inventor, and Unigraphics. MCAD Central will come with many enhancements, improved features, and a completely new look. We have upgraded many of the features currently used at Pro/E Central. MCAD Central is the expansion of Pro/E Central. Pro/E Central will eventually be replaced by MCAD Central.

One of the first questions you might have is "is this website going to be free or require a paid membership." I've struggled with this one, only because I want to keep the website as professional as can be and not turn it over to the unruly that often plague user-based websites like this. However, I have decided to make this website free for everyone, including full access to the forums and files sections. In order to keep some checks and balances, I will be implementing moderators to the forums, and will not allow future registrations that use free web-based email, like Hotmail, Yahoo!, etc. I think that this strategy will help keep the forums as professional as can be, while allowing the honest and professional MCAD user to use the entire website for his/her benefit.

MCAD Central is expected to launch this week. The final finishing touches are being applied now. A separate email newsletter from MCAD Central will be sent to you notifying you of the official launch and the website address.

Thank you for your patronage and participation at Pro/E Central! You've helped make it become the best Pro/E website on the Internet! Let it continue with MCAD Central.

Jason Turk
Pro/E Central

