В систему КЭ анализа ALGOR добавлен модуль расчета на усталость от компании FatigueWizard
FatigueWizard for ALGOR allows users to perform fatigue life calculations on product designs. Using the results of an ALGOR stress analysis, FatigueWizard guides users through the process of setting up a stress- or strain-based fatigue life analysis (left) and the results can then be displayed as life or safety-factor contours directly within FEMPRO, ALGOR's user interface (right).
Fatigue analysis is vital for products such as steel rails, beams and girders, which can experience mechanical failure under repeated or otherwise varying loads that never reach a level sufficient to cause failure in a single application. FatigueWizard simulates fatigue-based failure and lets users design for durability by subjecting a product to cyclic applications of stress in order to determine its endurance limit and thereby ensure safety.
"Through an innovative wizard interface, FatigueWizard helps designers and analysts complete effective durability assessments of their designs under the effect of multiple loads," said Julian Holt, president of FatigueWizard. "By partnering with ALGOR, we are making complex fatigue life assessment both achievable and affordable for more users."
Through the ALGOR Add-In Manager, FatigueWizard is available as a menu option directly within FEMPRO, ALGOR's easy-to-use single user interface. FatigueWizard guides users step-by-step through the process of setting up a fatigue analysis including:
- choosing between stress- and strain-based fatigue analysis;
- specifying material information using an extensive, editable database;
- entering data to simulate real-world conditions such as local stress concentrations and surface-finish effects;
- defining load history data;
- specifying the number of repetitions for the loading cycle;
- calculating the fatigue life of the model;
- viewing results such as life or safety-factor contours directly within FEMPRO; and
- generating customizable reports with minimal time and effort.
"Our customers will benefit from the new partnership with FatigueWizard because it expands the range of solutions that we offer to include fully functional and easy-to-use fatigue analysis," said ALGOR Product Manager Bob Williams. "It's an example of how ALGOR's Solution Partner Program maximizes users' productivity by making the software tools of multiple, best-in-class vendors available within FEMPRO, our open design environment for virtual prototyping."
Contact an ALGOR account manager or visit the "FatigueWizard" product page on the ALGOR web site for more detailed information or to order FatigueWizard.